
The 21st Century Classroom at UNM-LA - 2010

Page history last edited by Carol Furchner 7 years, 7 months ago


2010 Workshop Sponsored by:

New Mexico Technology Council    LANS-LLC



To all teachers who visit this site:
        • The purpose of this site is to promote the use of Technology in New Mexico Classrooms
        • The University of New Mexico in Los Alamos is seeking to assist New Mexico teachers in the use of Educational Technologies in New Mexico Schools.
        • This Wiki provides teachers in Los Alamos, Rio Arriba, Santa Fe, and Sandoval counties, a forum for the exchange of information and ideas.
        • If you have been invited to this site, you will have full access to create, edit, and respond to posts by other Wiki members.
        • Teachers feel free to create you own page, and PLEASE share your  Ideas. lessons plans, tips, etc.

This is your wiki!


It's all about technologies and their uses in the classroom, in helping to make education exciting and engaging for our students, and helping to prepare them to use technologies creatively and productively in their future work and lives.


We've seeded it with some links and materials, and we hope that you will contribute technologies you've found, how you've used them, and how they helped (or hindered) the educational process for your students. 


We hope you will also use it as a place to gather your own notes and information, links, thoughts about how you might use technologies, and plans for your presentations.


Workshop Pages:  Each of the following pages contains a list of different types of tools and some information about them.


Free Tools on the Internet

Free Tools to Download to Your Computer

Tools that cost $$

Information:  Blogs, Wikis, Professional Associations Pages & Files

Articles about Technology in the Classroom

21st Century Skills

Examples and Inspiration: Technology in Use in the Classroom

Lesson Plans - page for links to your lesson plans

Internet Security Resources

Workshop Pictures


  • To read them, just click on one of the above links.
  • To contribute to any of the above pages, click on the link, and then click on the EDIT tab near the top of the page. 
  • To comment on anything in a page, type in the COMMENTS box at the bottom of each page.


Teacher Pages:  Each teacher may create a page for recording their favorite links, ideas, lesson plans, etc.


Team Pages:  Each team (school) also has a page, located in a folder called "Team Pages."  Use these pages to collect information for and to plan your presentations.  Use them collaboratively, with more than one of you editing them and making comments on them, to gain experience in using a wiki as a tool for collaboration.


You may COMMENT on any of the Teacher and Team pages, but you should EDIT only your own or your own team's pages.  And you may create more pages if you like - use the "Create Page" link at the upper right.


Workshop presentations, including your presentations, were recorded using classroom capture.  You may access them here   (you will need the login and password given to you during the workshop.  Contact Carol (below) if you've forgotten them).   Mediasite Classroom Capture.




If you have questions about using this wiki email:

Carol Furchner -  furchner@unm.edu or

Chris Carson - carson.chris@gmail.com




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